When you think about organizational infrastructure, you probably have images in your head of flow charts, diagrams and graphs. It’s not a topic many of us like to spend a lot of time talking about—we’d much prefer to spend our time in the day-to-day function of the business—but it’s incredibly important. And one of the most integral, yet often overlooked, aspects of organizational infrastructure is technology and its role in keeping those processes running efficiently and accurately.

Technology’s role in increasing agility

One of the most important functions of technology in your organization’s infrastructure is that it allows your business to be more agile. In the past two years, it’s become apparent that companies must be able to nimbly pivot, adapting to changes in both consumer demand and supply chain processes.

At Staley Technologies, we had to pivot just like everyone else when the COVID crisis struck. We were able to offer our office staff the ability to work from home either full time or in a hybrid model, in part by auditing and streamlining our own internal technologies.

“I truly think we grew during the pandemic because of how well our team came together and executed on the work we had,” said Andrew Faulkner, owner and CEO of Staley Technologies. “We continued to offer the best customer service and excellent work while shifting to different technology for ourselves and implementing COVID-friendly technology for our customers.”

Technology as an avenue for automation

Technology also allows organizations to become more agile in how it provides avenues for automation. Manufacturers in particular have vulnerabilities that can be addressed with automation, and the current trend in moving toward automation is heavily reliant on technology solutions. Automation has to make sense and work correctly in order to be effective. Once the hardware and software are in place to facilitate effective solutions, a business is positioned for efficient processes and automation.

Cloud-based solutions are now a vital, integrated part of daily operations, using fiber, Wi-Fi, IoT, kiosks, digital signage, and software to be better day-to-day. Not only does this reduce bulk, it also offers opportunities for synchronized operations that communicate automatically, rather than manually.

Return on investment for technology solutions

You’ve got to take the time to develop your processes and enable technology where you can to make the processes efficient. Quick-fixes aren’t fixes at all; you really have to identify and meet needs. While it takes time to develop the flow, once developed and implemented, it becomes second nature and benefits present themselves quickly.

In fact, having the right technology solutions in place can show a return on your investment in a short time frame. Once those solutions have been implemented, most organizations quickly see how much more efficient their processes are and how much more agility they have in meeting and adapting to changing circumstances.

Integrate new technology processes

If you are interested in learning more about integrating new technology solutions into your organization’s infrastructure, we invite you to reach out to us here at Staley Technologies and explore our array of products and tools to help you implement new processes and efficiencies. For more information, contact Staley Technologies at (800) 280-9675 to speak with an expert.



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