It’s Time to Get Wi-Fi 6: Here’s Why It Will Make Your Customers Happy

In just two and a half decades, Wi-Fi has reshaped the world, changing how people communicate and form relationships, redefining industry, and leading to the rapid evolution of business technology. 

Consumers expect fast speeds, uninterrupted connections, and the ability to access the internet anywhere at any time. For the most part, this is the case. 

However, Wi-Fi isn’t without its flaws. It can still be a fickle beast, especially in congested areas with many connected devices, delivering agonizingly slow load times and frustrating customers who expect flawless network reliability. 

Well, that was the case until the advent of Wi-Fi 6 — the newest Wi-Fi version that is revolutionizing public Wi-Fi connections and quickly becoming the standard for businesses across the globe. 

What is Wi-Fi 6?

According to experts, the Wi-Fi industry experiences a significant, groundbreaking change every five years. In late 2019, that change came in the form of Wi-Fi 6, also called AX Wi-Fi or 802.11ax.

Wi-Fi 6 revolutionizes the wireless experience in subtle yet crucial ways. Yes, Wi-Fi 6 functions the same as the previous version, Wi-Fi 5, from the consumer’s perspective, but a quick peek under the hood reveals a shiny new engine just brimming with power. For instance, Wi-Fi 6 delivers a maximum speed of 9.6 Gbps, compared to the 3.5 Gbps of Wi-Fi 5. 

This new Wi-Fi version keeps up with the growing connectivity demands and fulfills the need for greater Wi-Fi reliability. It is specifically designed to manage high network traffic, improving speeds in areas with many connected devices such as restaurants, hotels, retail businesses, and healthcare facilities. 

Wi-Fi 6

Is Wi-Fi 6 worth it?

You might be wondering if upgrading to Wi-Fi 6 should really be a priority for your business. Is Wi-Fi 6 actually worth it? As more Wi-Fi 6-capable devices come out, more consumers will expect to see this network availability on most public networks. However, keeping your technology relevant is just one reason you should consider upgrading.

Here are other crucial ways Wi-Fi 6 benefits your business:

Wi-Fi 6 improves customer satisfaction

In a restaurant, customers pass the time waiting for their food by scrolling through social media. While staying at a hotel, business professionals likely use complimentary Wi-Fi to accomplish work or attend virtual meetings. 

No matter what business you operate, your customers expect a reliable, fast Wi-Fi connection. Frustratingly slow speeds, low bandwidth, and connection issues will cause customers to leave feeling unsatisfied and disappointed in your service.

Upgrading to Wi-Fi 6 tells your customers that you care about their experience, connectivity, and overall satisfaction. This increases customer loyalty and will encourage people to return to your business time and time again.

Wi-Fi 6 boosts security 

Hackers aren’t just hooded figures typing in dark rooms in cheesy action movies. They are a genuine threat in our increasingly online world. In the past, public Wi-Fi networks have been notoriously susceptible to hackers who seek to uncover passwords and banking information. 

With Wi-Fi 6 and a new security protocol called WPA3, you and your customers can have peace of mind. Significant security upgrades and encryption provide increased protection for valuable online data like passwords and banking information.

image of Wi-Fi 6 celluar phone

Wi-Fi 6 keeps up with busy networks

Think about how many devices are on your Wi-Fi network at any given time. With previous Wi-Fi versions, the more devices connected to a single access point, the slower speeds became. 

This is no longer the case with Wi-Fi 6, making this one of the most critical upgrades for modern business operations. It easily handles many connected devices and improves overall Wi-Fi performance, speed, and reliability.

How to upgrade to Wi-Fi 6? 

You’ve decided to invest in the customer connectivity experience and keep your business relevant by prioritizing network speeds and installing Wi-Fi 6. That’s great! But where do you start? 

How do you go about getting Wi-Fi 6 into your business? Unfortunately, it’s not quite as simple as taking a trip to Best Buy and purchasing a new Wi-Fi 6 router. 

That’s where the experts at Staley Technologies come in.  Staley can audit cabling and devices to determine if the current network infrastructure of your business can support Wi-Fi 6.

If not, experienced Wi-Fi engineers can create a customized solution to fit your unique needs, including installing new cabling, installing and optimizing Wi-Fi 6 technology, and helping future-proof your Wi-Fi setup by leaving room for future upgrades. 

Staley specializes in the design, installation, and maintenance of networks and will create a personalized upgrade plan to help your business stay connected and relevant. For more information, contact Staley Technologies at (800) 280-9675 or get in touch with us online to speak with an expert.



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